Monday, February 16, 2009

So What Now??

The main thing that stuck out to me in our review from Thursday was Patrick and Travis' question: "So What Now?" What does all of this programming and research stuff mean? Where do we go from here? What conclusions can we draw from our findings?

I think that this is important for everyone to answer individually, because this is how ideas and concepts will begin to form themselves. The idea that stood out most for me is this idea of our site acting as a seam that binds the community and the campus. Another point that was brought up on Thursday was the idea that our site is a transition. A transition from campus to community, a transition from past to future, a transition from consumption to sustainability etc. Using our site as a gateway into Greensboro and as a face for UNCG has been an idea from the master-plan that all of us have embraced, but how do we integrate all of these concepts into a building? and how do we make that building portray the message we want while still holding all of the activities and programming needs that it requires?

This is what I have begun to explore for this week's charette, and we are now challenged to face the question

So What Now?


  1. i loved the fact sarah that you included a little summary of the feedback at our critique. we never remember everything that is said during critiques so its nice that you have documented that for us to come back to during our design process!

    also- great questions posted for us to think about over the next couple weeks!

  2. I guess I'll piggie-back on what Debbie said... I know that I didn't take notes or blog about our critique and I only remember bits and pieces of what was said. I think it is really great that you have it documented to come back to. Second thing, and only criticism, I want to see pictures of your work. You have lots of pictures of the site and a couple site plans but something "originally Sarah" would be nice! And I know we haven't really had time to post the things from yesterday but those would be a good addition. :)
