Monday, June 1, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
The NEXUS that Connects us
So its been one week since class started and I've already completed my site analysis, developed a design concept, researched relevant codes, and began to diagram conceptual ideas as they apply to my building... whew!
After looking closely at the target group (age 20-29) I found several characteristics that define this generation. They value growth, social networking, diversity, self-expression, and sustainability. They are very competitive, optimistic, independent, ambitious, adaptive, flexible, and always on-the-go. After analyzing this information and looking at the historical context, along with the program uses and the site, I have begun to move forward with the idea of NEXUS which is defined as:
A connection between things, persons or events that is part of a chain of causation;
A connected series or group;
That which unites or bonds;
A connection or center for something.
Because of the sites central location downtown, the coffee bar will act as the bond between the group, the central place to connect, network, interact and come together, forming a diverse and eclectic group of people that feed off of each others ideas and energy.
My project is being driven by this overall idea of Nexus but I am focusing specifically on the venation of leaves. A leafs veins are a very complex system that connect and spread about the leaf creating a dynamic pattern that provides structure for the leaf while also transporting water and nutrients for growth and contributing to the process of photosynthesis.

After looking closely at the target group (age 20-29) I found several characteristics that define this generation. They value growth, social networking, diversity, self-expression, and sustainability. They are very competitive, optimistic, independent, ambitious, adaptive, flexible, and always on-the-go. After analyzing this information and looking at the historical context, along with the program uses and the site, I have begun to move forward with the idea of NEXUS which is defined as:
A connection between things, persons or events that is part of a chain of causation;
A connected series or group;
That which unites or bonds;
A connection or center for something.
Because of the sites central location downtown, the coffee bar will act as the bond between the group, the central place to connect, network, interact and come together, forming a diverse and eclectic group of people that feed off of each others ideas and energy.
My project is being driven by this overall idea of Nexus but I am focusing specifically on the venation of leaves. A leafs veins are a very complex system that connect and spread about the leaf creating a dynamic pattern that provides structure for the leaf while also transporting water and nutrients for growth and contributing to the process of photosynthesis.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
The Beginning of the End
Today was the first day of my summer thesis class and I'm beginning to see what a packed out, fast paced summer it is going to be. We have about 8 weeks to complete our project and 2 weeks after that for production of documents... what have I got myself into??
I am going to be designing a mixed-use facility with a coffee bar and residences targeting upper-level college students and young professionals. The chosen site is on S. Elm Street in downtown Greensboro, NC in a currently vacant building that is flanked with railroad tracks on either side.
I have been spending my time leading up to the start of class programming for what will be in this facility and conducting a site analysis that looks closely at the historical and social context, climate, immediate site and the physical building itself. Using the information gathered and ideas formed in these research applications, it is now time to move into the conceptual development part of the project... and so, it begins...
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Final Feedback and Reflection
During our review we got a lot of positive feedback as well as some constructive criticisms. Our reviewers felt that we were very successful in the consideration of the vehicle activity on Lee street but that the pedestrian gets lost in our design. One suggestion to alleviate this problem would be to switch the placement of the retail space and the auditorium on the first floor so that the retail space could then open up to the community park and to Tate Street. This would help to encourage pedestrian activity through the park and up into the building and feed off of the existing activity on Tate Street.

One of the guest critics, Thomas, was an architecture professor at UNC Charlotte, and he gave us great feedback. Our building had "problems, but good problems, not problems that make you scratch your head and say 'what were they thinking?' " as Thomas said. He said that as interiors students, we executed architecture better than he has seen any architecture student handle interiors, which was probably the best compliment we could have received.
I feel very lucky that I had the opportunity to be a part of this studio and I would personally like to say Thank You to Travis! Having a professor that is an architect that works in a firm on a day-to-day basis and has knowledge of how processes and projects go in the real world was very beneficial. I learned a lot this semester and have a great project for my portfolio. Its been a long semester but in the end totally worth it.
I also want to say thank you to The Form Stormers! (Matt, Debbie, Kemena, Jessi, and Marianne) We had a great team and thanks for making it a great semester and for all your hard work.
Lee Street Studio Final
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The sun louvers are in the model!!! These louvers line the south facade of the building within the studio space acting as a sun screen while creating a really interesting texture, and look at the shadows!! Oooooo Aahhhhhh!!

The studio space is taking shape, there are some changes I am doing but this plan will mostly stay the same. After talking with Travis yesterday there are a couple things I need to develop further. He pointed out that the kitchen being closed off in the top right corner (of this image) isn't a successful place b/c the views from that corner are prime and you don't want to block them off. The kitchen will probably move to the other side, adjacent to the fire stair. I am going to manipulate the ceiling planes which will act as visual cues throughout the space as well as bring down the ceiling in intimate areas. More images will follow!!
Shaken, Not Stirred
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
One week left!

For my individual design of the studio spaces I think I'm at a pretty good place. This image shows the overall schematic for where everything is going to be within the space and now what is left to do is detail. I want to further explore materials, ceiling heights and textures, and lighting within the studios. But i need to do this only for maybe 2 more days because it's time to produce! We are going to begin final production of our group design and hopefully everything will wrap up smoothly with the rest of the week. Our goal as a group is to have everything complete by Sunday 3rd, so that Monday we can print and be rested for Tuesdays presentation... hopefully all follows as planned.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Countdown to Cinco de Mayo!
Since our pre-final review I have taken a step back from our lee street studio because my program document for my summer thesis project is due tomorrow! Needless to say I've spent my last few days focusing on that... but now its done and its time to hone in on the home stretch of this semester!
... 13 days and counting
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