Wednesday, April 29, 2009


The sun louvers are in the model!!! These louvers line the south facade of the building within the studio space acting as a sun screen while creating a really interesting texture, and look at the shadows!! Oooooo Aahhhhhh!!

The studio space is taking shape, there are some changes I am doing but this plan will mostly stay the same. After talking with Travis yesterday there are a couple things I need to develop further. He pointed out that the kitchen being closed off in the top right corner (of this image) isn't a successful place b/c the views from that corner are prime and you don't want to block them off. The kitchen will probably move to the other side, adjacent to the fire stair. I am going to manipulate the ceiling planes which will act as visual cues throughout the space as well as bring down the ceiling in intimate areas. More images will follow!! 

1 comment:

  1. The louvres look really good in that perspective. They turned out to be a great idea for the space.
